If popular media culture is to be believed, romance always culminates in the couple getting married. But that’s a question people who are still in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship constantly ask. To them, isn’t living together and being committed to one another the same, and as such, marriage is not worth it? What are the 10 reasons it is?
Marriage is not only a legal union but, in many religions, a sacred one. It’s also a formality that’s acceptable, even required by society. You provide a nurturing life where children are secure while inviting divine blessings into your relationship. Furthermore, getting married is the ultimate show of love and promise of commitment to your significant other.
The stability of society is based on families, which have come together for generations through marriage. It’s the best environment to raise children, as this sanctimonious union doesn’t make it easy for one partner to just up and leave. The continuity of your family tree relies on marriage, so read further to learn the ten reasons why it’s worth it.
What Are the Compelling Reasons That Marriage Is Worth It Today?
It’s becoming less common to see young couples who believe marriage is their relationship’s ultimate goal. Men see it as a lifetime prison sentence, while women view it as a formality that’ll make things more difficult when they want to end it. Today, the anticipation of divorce is on people’s minds rather than the benefits of married life.
So, are there legitimate reasons why marriage is still worth it in today’s high-paced, self-sufficient and maverick world? Yes, there are, and the best ten include;
1. It’s a Source of Happiness
Want to live a happy, fulfilling life? Then get married, where the commitment cements your relationship, relieving it from internal or external scrutiny. Without this solidifying union, feelings can change, affecting the sustainability of being together. However, it’s easier to work out issues when you’re confident that your spouse won’t just walk out.
2. It’s Healthy
The health benefits of happy marriage have been discussed extensively, but you need to consider the detriments of those toxic, oppressive, and unhappy unions. According to research, being married is related to wellbeing, where in comparison to single people;
- You live longer
- Have fewer heart attacks or strokes
- Lower chances of depression or mental health issues
- More likely to survive or have advanced cancer if diagnosed
- Recover from operations faster
While these benefits aren’t necessarily automatically acquired once you’re married, they indicate the benefits of a healthy marriage. Solid matrimony helps improve your immune system and reduces the stress hormone cortisol.
3. Its Positive Growth
There are ups and downs in marriage, and sometimes it takes a lot of work before it’s healthy or happy. Being married leads to personal growth since you’re in a scenario where you can’t hide pride, selfishness or face stress and depression alone. Someone other than your parents or siblings knows and cares about you, forcing you to work on any roadblocks to marital bliss.
4. You Build Healthy Finances and Wealth
There’s a connection between building wealth and marriage, and it’s not your financial worries suddenly disappearing after your wedding day. But you and your spouse can support each other, encouraging savings, budgeting, and sensible spending. Being responsible for a family makes a wife or husband push for income increases, depending on your abilities and skills.
5. It’s Natural and Divine
Humans are communal animals, and our creator saw that one shouldn’t be without the other. Intimate relationships in the security of marriage are natural ambitions that nothing else can replace.
You’re created in your maker’s image, and he’s a love that longs for togetherness as well.
6. You Take Better Care of Your Children
Marriage is beneficial to children, seeing as two legally bound, ever-present parents raise them. These kids live above the poverty line, are emotionally stable and score better GPAs. That’s not possible when you’re single or cohabiting, where stability and security are often lacking.
The politeness of stable union is passed on for future generations. That’s further reaching than within your lifetime. Children in a married home learn to navigate relationships, identifying with male or female roles early on to help them have successful marriages in return.
7. Less Domestic Violence or Child Abuse
An article that analyzes National Crime Victim Survey or NCVS data claims that marriage is still the safest environment for children and women. According to the author, single mothers have a higher risk of experiencing domestic violence than legal wives in marital unions.
These violent crimes are usually perpetrated by domestic partners, boyfriends, or intimate acquaintances. In that same breath, their children are six to thirty times more likely to suffer child abuse compared to kids raised by both married biological parents.
8. Fewer Criminals in Society
The effects of the marriage family structure on crime cannot be negated, as researchers have found that intact matrimony is the basis for a stable household. Results are fewer arrests for violent and antisocial crimes, a factor mainly attributed to the presence of a father figure. Single parent, cohabiting or broken homes, especially where the dad is absent, are breeding grounds for juvenile offenders.
Ominously there’s a connection between active or mass shooters with fatherlessness or dads who aren’t involved in their lives. In the book, The Boy Crisis, males who grow up in a family where the father is present fare better than those raised in broken or single-mother families. The writer uses over 70 metrics, in which the latter perform poorly.
9. Freedom of Intimacy
One of the relics of marriage is amazing sex whenever or wherever you feel like it. My dad would never have let me share a bed with my boyfriend in his house when we visited. To his old-fashioned sense of conservancy, that’s equivalent to fornication. That changed the moment we tied the knot, and he wouldn’t have it otherwise.
10. The Partnership
You probably consider your boyfriend or girlfriend having your back, but where’s the pact? What’s to stop your significant other from turning entirely against you, using what they’ve learned to force you to leave town?
The answer is ‘not much,’ except maybe for love, loyalty, and a sense of virtue. But in marriage, you’ve got a legally or religiously approved partner-in-crime whose interests and dreams align with yours.
If marriage is not worth it, can you disregard the legal or religious reasons and live together happily? It sounds more realistic, maintaining an illusion of individual independence. But while getting married won’t solve relationship problems, it’s comforting to know that you’re never single or alone by all sense of the word.

I’m Cathrine and I’m a 39-year-old mother of 3 from Utica, New York. And I’m extremely happy you’ve come to visit my hide-out on the web. Here I post about everything related to family-life and usually it will involve babies and lessons I’ve learned over the years from experts, friends, and my own mistakes. So hopefully you will find what i write fun and informational!