How to Get Over Wanting another Baby

You may have had an idea how many babies you want, but seeing other mums with their infants or toddlers seems to make that decision insignificant for now. Maybe the last pregnancy wasn’t easy, and you’re not looking forward to risking it. Since you’re dealing with an emotional subject, you seek concrete answers on how to get over wanting another baby.

Are you thinking about conceiving again, but the odds are surmountable? Talk about it, understand the reason, be patient and practice gratitude. You’ll also need to limit the time you obsess about getting pregnant. Identify triggers to avoid, have fun and consider someone else’s plight for a change.

Instead of taking a thousand pregnancy tests, think about the consequences of this all-mighty decision. Besides your partner and immediate family, talking to a professional therapist will help you approach the topic with levelheadedness and practicality.

How Do I Stop Wanting to Have Another Baby?

There’s everything to love about having another baby. From discovering you’re pregnant, the preparations and excitement of nine months to bringing home a new tot. Motherhood is labor-intensive but fun. Your heart and womb yearn for the rounded belly, a newborn placed in your arms, snuggles on your neck, and late-night feeding intimacies.

Since the last time, you or your partner had decided to call it quits. Or at least wait a couple of years. Baby fever creeps up when you least expect it. That’s despite everyone else’s opposition, including your husband, who may be dead set against it.

It’s imperative, therefore, that you consider all the moving parts before getting wrapped up in images of baby diapers and new clothes.

The best way to get over wanting another baby will involve;

Talk about It

To see and understand another person’s perspective, you must accommodate open communication. Wanting another baby can be difficult, but talking helps minimize conflict of interests and defensiveness and will create the right headspace. It’s also vital that you avoid any forcefulness with your desire to become pregnant, which involves not using aggressive language.

Communicating your need for an addition to the family requires approaching the topic at the right time. Due to the subject’s weight, avoid engaging your partner after a rough workday, a fight, or any stressful moment. Ask them if it’s a good time to talk about something important, and if it’s not, schedule another.

See the Facts Why

While exploring the need to bring another lovely one into the world, avoid focusing only on why you see it working. It could be it’s not another bay you want, but an opposite-sex sibling for your current prince or princess. Are you prepared to raise another, or is your biological clock clamoring for one more before oncoming menopause?

Multiple reasons stand in the way of your wanting another baby and the reality on the ground. Perhaps you’re not in a financially stable position to conceive again, or there are medical fears such as genetic abnormalities with your new partner. It may be that you’re in your forties, and pregnancy might not be viable with your daily activities.

Sometimes, the future stacks facts against your baby fever. It’s essential that you fully comprehend these obstacles, their implications, or their consequences.

Practice Patience

Of course, nothing is impossible, especially when such a blessing as a new precious one is involved. Being patient with everyone, yourself included, will see your baby fever result in a happy ending. Your husband might change his mind, or your financial circumstances may change, and not now doesn’t mean never.

Sometimes, even changing the dynamics of an ongoing main topic of conversation can have others starting to see your original point of view. Avoid pressuring the other party or parties involved. They’ll only maintain their stand if they feel manipulated, challenged, or coerced. Let the topic of wanting a new baby dies down, and despite baby fever torments, you can use the common ground to explore possibilities.

Count Your Blessings

The need to become pregnant again may have judgment-clouding effects where you’ll attack any opposition from your significant other. It’s often easy to overlook all the positive blessings in your current family setup and get overcome with wanting more. Seeing as baby fever is an emotional topic, pay attention to acknowledging what’s working in your relationship.

Before you can aspire for an additional member of your troop, offer some appreciation, empathy, and gratitude for what’s already there.

Consider Therapy

I know of one mum who had a baby fever that lasted nearly three years no matter what she tried. If you haven’t reached an amicable consensus with your partner, it could be time to seek professional help. When the conversation about wanting another child ends up in arguments, a couple’s therapist will provide the needed safe place to field your needs without risking judgment.

You can find online therapists or apps that allow you to talk about wanting another baby with mutual respect if you’re to get over it.

Get a Pet Instead

It does sound crazy and dismissive but raising a pet involves a significant amount of work and involvement. Although it’s not comparable to another baby, getting an animal can act as a much-needed addition to your family. Maybe after having a puppy to walk or a kitty to take to the vet for immunization shots, you’ll feel different about wanting another baby.

If the reason you’re yearning for an addition to your family is so you can give the kids another sibling; pets can fill that gap. Essentially, you’ll ease your baby fever, and with the added responsibility, have your hands full instead of wallowing in self-reflection or regret.


As life shifts, so do our mindsets and desires, making it normal to want something you thought you’d had enough of. You can get over wanting another baby if you are open about your feelings and accommodate opposing views or reasons. For the sake of your relationship and that of your family, you must be on the same page, as nobody wants an unwanted child.

It’s easy to feel resentful or as though your partner can’t meet your needs. I’ve known couples who’ve broken up because one wanted to conceive while the other was adamantly against it. You can always learn how to compromise on having another baby, especially if the obsession with getting pregnant affects every other aspect of your life.