How Soon Can I Resume Housework after C-section?

The postpartum period following your cesarean delivery can be very challenging. Allow your battered body to rest and heal properly before undertaking any strenuous activities. But you can’t live in squalor, especially since you’ve now got a newborn. So, how long should you resume housework after C-section?

Wait at least four to six weeks before busying yourself with housework after a C-section. Immediately after the delivery operation, you won’t move much and may remain in the hospital for a day or two. Nothing but the lightest walking exercise is recommended for the next three to five days and maybe minimal household chores.

Initially, you’ll get encouraged to walk around four to six hours after surgery, but avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby. You may have been on a catheter plus pain medication that will make doing chores challenging. Please spend a few minutes reading about when it’s the best time to resume housework after C-section.

What Determines How Soon I Can Start Doing My Household Chores?

Any delivery, whether vaginal or through surgery, will strain your body to its limits. Allow your body to rest and heal. You’ll need time to regain core strength before attempting all the activities you used to do pre-pregnancy. That means no running after little ones and little or no housework.

Special consideration needs to be given to your body in the postpartum period, especially after major cesarean surgery. Having support that can consist of your partner, relatives or friends will be essential in the early stages after C-section. You can also have groups of new mother supporters, church members, or a postpartum doula helping out with day-to-day chores.

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed physically or emotionally drained. You must have open communication with your support team as well as your healthcare provider at this time. If you are feeling run-down, discouraged, and alone, please let someone know and accept help.

Factors contributing to how fast you resume normal housework include your general health before surgery and if the C-section was an emergency or scheduled. Avoid lifting heavier things than your newborn baby, meaning you can change and feed them. Have feeding supplies and a feeding station near you so that you won’t have to get up so often.

How Can I Monitor the Level of Activity When Doing Housework after C-Section?

If you had an anesthetic and an epidural procedure gets done during your C-section, you won’t be able to move around much. The necessary walking steps recommended will have to initially be taken with a nurse’s or husband’s assistance. You can be in lots of pain, or it may not be so bad, and you’ll be put under painkillers every four to eight hours.

Once you’ve begun to walk around, any puffiness due to fluid retention and constipation will disappear. You’ll also be bleeding, called lochia, from your vagina, and its intensity will change over time. Lochia can increase with position changes or activity, and you can use this to gauge whether you’re becoming too active.

Your lochia will also change color from a pale pink to dark red before turning to a light yellowish hue. As such, increase your fluid intake and eat healthy foods to limit constipation while increasing energy. At this stage, it pays to be alert to any increased pain, fever, or discharge on the incision, which can be a sign of infection.

Your doctor will start weaning you off painkillers after a week post-op since your pain will by then be intermittent. After 10 to 14 days, you’ll have an incision review where your practitioner will remove any abdominal dressing, staples, or tape. Until four to six weeks later, please don’t put a strain on the remaining sutures, but you can do light housework without overdoing it.

What Type of Housework Can I Engage in After C-section?

You meant to do a bulk of the housework over the weekend, but an emergency cesarean ruined those plans. It’s now a week since your C-section, and you’re getting antsy because of the piling mess. Besides your support group or overworked hubby, what chores can you safely engage in while recovering from a surgical delivery?

Four to six hours after your operation, movement is helpful to prevent deep vein thrombosis and activate your core strength. Avoid bending over too much but instead, try chores that you can do standing up. Light amounts of housework will include emptying the top rack of your dishwasher, placing food in the oven, or picking up toys with a grabbing stick.

Avoid lifting objects as that will strain your incision. Avoid stretching to reach high cabinets but try to move further every day, especially during the daytime. Tearing the abdominal muscles torn apart will delay your recovery and may lead to C-section post-op complications. Try and sleep when the baby is asleep, as, at this age, they’ll be keeping you wide awake for most nights.

Another thing to avoid is bathtub bathing and instead opt for showers until your incision gets healed. Use stairs sparingly and only start working out when given the green light by your healthcare provider. It can also be tempting to lounge, seeing as you’ve just had major surgery. After a week of lying around, getting a move on is the best way to get your body back on track.


From four to six weeks of your C-section surgery, you’ll be able to tackle the dirty laundry and tidy up your house gently. Giving your body time to heal means not overexerting; otherwise, you may prolong the recovery time or cause complications. If you feel bursts of energy, it’s better to preserve them or use your strength to bond and cuddle with your baby.

Accept help, but make it clear what type of assistance you need. You may appreciate a support team that cooks healthy meals and helps tidy up but not one that rearranges your sitting room. You’ll also need time to rest and spend with your husband or other kids in your family.